Find the Best HVAC/R Fluorescent Leak Detection Lamp

UV lamps or torches are the best dye companion for finding and observing leaks in AC&R systems that are normally invisible to the human eye or difficult to locate using an electronic device. Not all HVAC/R leak detection lamps are created equal and with many options on the market it can be challenging to know if you are making the right purchase.


Equip Expo with Spectroline Leak Detection

What is Equip Exposition? Every October, thousands of landscapers, manufacturers, contractors, and dealers travel to Louisville, Kentucky, to network with other professionals and to test-drive the latest products in an unmatched environment. This four-day event, featuring 1,000 exhibits and hundreds of educational opportunities, provides each attendee with new ideas, better techniques, and hands-on demos of…


Eliminate Acid Buildup with Acid-Buster™

Remove Acid Buildup from Air Conditioners Acid scavenging solutions can help remove acid buildup in air conditioners. The presence of acids in AC/R systems is a common cause of refrigerant leaks and burnout compressors. Acid Tests and Acid-Neutralizers are system additives that can help eliminate acidic refrigeration and stop breakdowns.   What Creates Acidic Refrigeration?…


Efficient Refrigeration System in the Fermentation Process

In recent years, the U.S has seen a steady rise in the fermented craft beverage industry, composed of alcoholic beverages, wine, and beer, as well as non-alcoholic beverages such as Kombucha or Cider. In 2019, there were over 8,000 breweries in the U.S, an 8.9% increase from the previous year. For wine making, the U.S accounts for 12% of the world’s production with over 10,000 wineries producing over 900,000 gallons of wine a year, as reported in 2017.


Did You Know Ultrasonic Waves Are Inaudible To Humans?

These are sound waves which are transmitted at a frequency of 20,000 Hz or higher, making them inaudible to humans. Ultrasonic waves are measured in hertz (Hz), which is equivalent to cycles per second. Devices, such as our Marksman™ II, are used to convert and amplify inaudible ultrasonic sounds into audible “natural” sounds in order…


Cycle Out Cancer with Spectronics

The Cycle for Survival event at Equinox on Saturday March 5th was a major success. The Spectronics team surpassed their fundraising goal, raising a total of over $4,300 so far! Within six months, all of the money raised will go directly into the lab at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, the world’s oldest and largest…


Creating a Preventative Maintenance Plan for Hydraulic Systems

Contamination Problems Particulate and water contamination can affect the physical and chemical properties of hydraulic fluid. The alteration of these properties – which are critical to the longevity of your hydraulic equipment – will make your equipment run inefficiently, hurting performance and increasing the risk of breakdown.     Hydraulic fluids have specially crafted properties…


Cooper Confident Despite Global Economic Headwinds

Spectronics Corporation president Jon Cooper is quoted in an Associated Press wire story being picked up by news outlets all over the world. Despite the slightly weaker hiring numbers for April reported in the article, Cooper remains confident about Spectronics’ continued growth. “I‘m still bullish about where we are heading,” says Cooper. “Because of our established strengths…
