ARG Industrial has been a Spectronics Corporation Partner since 2020

ARG Industrial was founded (formerly known as Alaska Rubber & Rigging Supply, Inc.) in 1980. The one store in Anchorage has grown through acquisition and expansion to five branches in Alaska, six branches in Washington, and one branch in Oregon. Visit their website to learn more. A well-known and major distributor of hoses and fittings, ARG Industrial attributes part of its success to the Spectroline Industrial Leak Detection partnership for consistently exceeding expectations in terms of innovative thinking and reliability.

Spectroline Industrial Leak Detection Products Work
Using equipment with undetected leaks leads to a myriad of issues including system downtime, safety hazards, environmental impact, and legal consequences. “Spectroline’s range of fluorescent dyes and UV lamps has proven to be invaluable in various applications. These products have demonstrated high effectiveness in identifying leaks, which translates to savings in time, money, and potential environmental damages for our valued customers,” says Kim Hunley, Director of Marketing at ARG’s Spokane Branch. View the Spectroline Industrial product offering!
The Difference is in the Quality
Spectroline Leak Detection produces products built to exact engineering standards that are utilized for multiple markets and applications that demand uncompromising quality and strong attention to detail. This commitment to quality has led to unwavering trust in their partners like ARG Industrial. “We have full confidence in the reliability and accuracy of their equipment, which has allowed us to offer a unique cutting-edge product on our shelves and website. Additionally, we are in the process of integrating their leak-detection products into our HosePro mobile repair and maintenance service, further enhancing our range of offerings”, Hunley adds.
Read the full article here, provided by IDCO, the premier co-op for independent distributors serving the industrial community with hoses, fittings, gaskets, rubber materials, and related products.