7 Decades of UV Fluorescent Leak Detection Leadership

The Inventors and Experts Mark Milestone of 70 Years Strong Spectronics Corporation is the inventor of UV Fluorescent Leak Detection Technology. It was invented in the Automotive market in 1955. Today, we remain the world’s leading manufacturer of ultraviolet equipment and fluorescent dyes. Our cutting-edge, top-quality, industry-awarded lamps, dyes, and diagnostic tools are built to…

CO2 (R-744) as a Refrigerant

What is driving interest in CO2 (R744)? In light of increasing apprehensions regarding the detrimental effects of fluorinated refrigerants on the environment, there has been a resurgence in using natural refrigerants. CO2 (R744) and R717 (NH3) refrigerants are utilized for industrial applications at low temperatures. Carbon Dioxide (CO2, R-744) has been used as a refrigerant…

Equip Expo with Spectroline Leak Detection

What is Equip Exposition? Every October, thousands of landscapers, manufacturers, contractors, and dealers travel to Louisville, Kentucky, to network with other professionals and to test-drive the latest products in an unmatched environment. This four-day event, featuring 1,000 exhibits and hundreds of educational opportunities, provides each attendee with new ideas, better techniques, and hands-on demos of…

From Wrench to Webcam: Reliable HVACR Builds a Strong Brand

Spectroline Leak Detection’s Contractor Spotlight is South Texas-based HVAC contractor Adrian Garcia (Reliable HVACR). Adrian’s ability to connect the HVAC community with valuable and engaging content combined with his expertise in HVAC/R makes him someone worth recognizing. In his interview with Spectroline’s Vertical Marketing Strategist, Laura Heckman, Adrian offers valuable insights into the HVAC industry…

Reliable HVACR Podcast Features Spectroline UV Leak Detection

The North America Sales Manager of Spectroline Leak Detection, Matthew Cowley, sits down with Adrian Garcia, host of the Reliable HVAC/R podcast. They talk about topics such as the automotive origins of Spectronics Corporation, the interesting history of where Spectronics products have been used, to different perspectives of UV fluorescent leak detection in the HVAC/R…