HVAC Maintenance Checklist
As summer rapidly approaches, it’s time to finish up those spring cleaning checklists and prepare for the seasons heat. This means we not only have to put away our heavy coats and winter boots, but we need to ensure our customer’s A/C systems are up and running. Often customers don’t understand the importance of regular maintenance until a problem has occurred. Here are some tips to keep our customers informed.
Schedule a Maintenance Appointment
Regular maintenance on a HVAC system can increase the life of system 5-6 years. It’s recommended to have this done twice a year, once in the fall and again in the spring.
Replace A/C Filters
Clean filters enable systems to work less to cool your home, and increase efficiency. Some systems come with washable filters, which makes this task even easier.
Change Batteries in CO Detector
Carbon monoxide is a nearly undetectable poisonous gas. Changing the batteries in a CO detector annually ensures you will be informed if there’s a gas build up.
Caulk Windows and Doors
Take advantage of the warm weather and add this project to your list. Ensuring insulation will prevent warm or cool air from escaping, saving money during both the winter and summer seasons.
Clean Out Gutters
Cleaning out your home’s gutters regularly will prevent water damage and insect or rodent infestations.
Clean Out Air Ducts
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 25 to 40 percent of the energy used for heating or cooling a home is wasted when impurities in the air ducts cause it to work harder. By cleaning them, you will increase the life of your system and decrease the total on your bills.
Clean Area Around Outdoor A/C Unit
Units require 18”-24” of breathing room to function properly. Clean gutters in this area is also important to prevent overflow.
Clean Register Grills and Vents
Prevent a buildup of dust in vents, which harbor allergens that are propelled into the room by the system, by dusting annually. This will also allow the system to function without the excess strain of pushing air through dirty vents.
Clean Ceiling Fans
A clean fan prevents allergens from being released into the air, which can attract dust mites.
For more information on HVAC preventative maintenance and leak detection, download this FREE white paper: