Reliable HVACR Podcast Features Spectroline UV Leak Detection

The North America Sales Manager of Spectroline Leak Detection, Matthew Cowley, sits down with Adrian Garcia, host of the Reliable HVAC/R podcast. They talk about topics such as the automotive origins of Spectronics Corporation, the interesting history of where Spectronics products have been used, to different perspectives of UV fluorescent leak detection in the HVAC/R…

HVAC know it all speaks with spectroline leak detection expert

HVAC Know It All Speaks With Spectroline Leak Detection Team

Spectronics Corporation debuts its first podcast appearance focusing on applications, installation of dye, and how Spectroline is OEM-approved by Copeland during the HVAC Know It All podcast. Spectroline Leak Detection’s North America Sales Manager, Matthew Cowley, dissects the story behind Spectroline Leak Detection with Gary McCreadie of HVAC Know It All. Listen to the podcast…

Spectroline 亮相 2024 年奥兰多环球影城 Grainger 展会

思百吉公司在 Grainger 展览会上展出汽车、工业和暖通空调/制冷解决方案

Spectronics 公司上周在佛罗里达州奥兰多市成功举办了 Grainger 展览会。我们的主要产品线 Spectroline(暖通空调/制冷和工业用)以及 Tracerline 和 Leakfinder(汽车用)的新产品均在此次展会上亮相。67 年来,Spectronics 公司一直致力于设计最高质量、高性能的泄漏检测染料和产品。作为...

P.E HVAC 与 Spectroline 团队一起参加 2024 年美国通风与空调设备展

2024 年美国通风与空调设备博览会 Spectroline 回顾

Spectroline Leak Detection Experts 在芝加哥举办了一次难忘的 AHR 展会。他们与该领域的大量年轻技术人员进行了交流,讨论了暖通空调和制冷领域的所有问题,从他们的故事的重要性,到社区和教育。他们与经验丰富的分销商、多年的朋友、代表、客户和合作伙伴一起忙得不亦乐乎。他们在活动中留下了美好的回忆......